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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Back And Forth Forever

If you're privileged enough to be part of the club, then you already know what this means.

If not, do yourself a favor and check out the weirdest movie ever. Like, ever. It's called Me and You and Everyone We Know and it's freakin' weird. Readers who have already seen this movie (ahem, Caroline), please help me explain just how weird it was. And if you can figure out what that means without having seen the movie and without googling it...then you're also weird. What, you thought I was going to give you a prize? Also, someone please buy me this t-shirt (hey, it worked the first time).

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

soy de chile y no me voy a esforzar pa escribir en ingles....pero tu blog esta excelente, supongo que la idea es entretener y lo logras a la perfeccion.....esa polera que queri que la gente compre es imposible, me cago antes de hacer algo asi.......jajaja, pero el resto te estay luciendo, asique sigue asi

11:50 PM  

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