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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mad Magazine Fold-Ins

The New York Times has a spectacular interactive Flash feature on Mad Magazine fold-ins. Remember those? I used to love them! They were in the back inside cover of almost every issue of Mad since 1964 and I also remember seeing them in Archie comics. Invented by comic book artist Al Jaffee, the fold-in was an image that you would fold over to reveal a hidden picture. I'm pretty impressed that even the text at the bottom folds over to reveal another statement - I had forgotten about that. According to Wikipedia, fold-ins were Mad Magazine's response to popular fold-out features like the Playboy centerfold.

The Times features 23 original Mad fold-ins dating back to the 1960s. The page allows you to use your mouse to drag and fold the graphic on-screen - far more efficient than having to do it manually, by the way.

The interactive feature is an absolute pleasure to navigate. I have to say I love the way the New York Times has fully embraced and integrated interactivity into the online version of its paper. This is exactly the type of thing newspapers have to do in order to stay useful and relevant. Sorry, blogger's tangent.

Via NotCot.org

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